Black Flame( Post-Apocalyptic)-Opening

“Sometimes you can not defeat the dragon in a one-on-one fight. Sometimes, you just got to be sneaky.”

Cold wind and the sound of far off engines echo through the air as a tall mysterious man enters an old, rusted warehouse in the middle of a busy American city. He looks behind himself to see if he was followed. Once he sees that he was not, he closes the metal door.

The man’s boots step on pieces of glass from the hallway’s busted windows. He walks down the hallway without any haste: he does not need to. His waiting comrades need him for the next part of their plan more than he needs them.

It takes five minutes for the man to reach the doors that block the entrance to his destination: the room beyond the doors.

The door squeaks from neglect as the man pushes the door open. The room beyond is dark with no windows letting any natural light in the room. The man chose this room for this reason.

The only lumination in the room is an old Coleman gas lamp on the square meeting table that’s in the middle of the room.

Two other men, one older and one in his early twenties, are waiting for their well experienced comrade near the table. Once the man enters the room, the others start to relax.

Aleski, what took you so long?”asks Bernardd, the younger man. You can tell his origins are Eastern-European by his accent. Aleski responds when he reaches the table.

“I thought I was being followed. I had to make sure that our plan would not be known to our enemies until it is too late for them to react.” He says this while he places his heavy leather briefcase onto the table. The two other men know what that case means to them.

“Are you sure it’s time?”asks the old man, Henry, the only American of the group. He has long disliked how the system works, and it is time for him to get back at the people who ruined his life.

“Now is the best chance we have. Our enemy is fighting in other lands while it should be looking more closely at home,”Aleski says while he opens the briefcase. The sound of the metal binders popping echos through the room.

“It is about time we finally do something. Those beasts have gone too far,” says Bernard, emotion filling his voice. Aleski places the papers from his briefcase onto the table. Each page gives a part of a detailed plan to win over their enemy.

“Are the teams in place?” Aleski asks Henry, who is in charge of personnel and supplies.

“They are ready as can be. Everything from equipment to the boats are just waiting for our signal,” replies Henry, who is eyeing the plans to check for any possible problems. He of course does not.

“What about the security? Has that been taken care of?”asks Bernard, who is looking at the plans as well.

“What little security was there is now taken care of. It has ether been replaced, or has been taken out by other means,” replies Aleski.

“Is there anything else you need of us?”asks Henry, who is gathering the few positions he brought with him: a hat, a revolver, and a sense of self-wealth.

“No, that is all my comrades. The next time we see each other, America and the world will be a different place,”replies Aleski, who is gathering the papers and returning it to his briefcase.

With that, they leave the building through separate exits. Aleski Azarov is correct. America and the world will truly never be the same.

Book Review: 299 Days


Picture taken by me.

What can I say about the 299 Days book series wrote by Glenn Tate? It gives a great and interesting look to what I would call a soft collapse.

A soft collapse is a when only parts of a society crumble, not the whole. It is this reason why I feel it would be easier for something like 299 Days to actually happen then a full collapse.

The first story, The Preparation, starts with a interesting look at Grant’s(main character) life. I will not give spoliation sense it was that good, in my opinion.

The middle of the story is when it really gets good. Grant at this time period has become a lawyer for a local government in Washington State. He has left his roots and has become a suburban slug. He feels that his life is perfect just the way it is. Some time later, Grant gets information that re-awakens him.

He starts listening to preparedness podcasts, buying food, water, and even a gun. Since he has not done things like this in a long time, Grant feels like it is socially awkward to do things like this.

Later on, Grant joins a shooting team where he improves his shooting skills. latter on; he learns that his shooting friends don’t mind that he is a prepper. They learn to trust each other and gain skills that would help them during a emergency.

At the end of book 1, the collapse is starting. Social government starts to fall. People start to become aware of events. People even start to riot which pushes the governments to react.

The rest of the series gives you at different looks at the collapse.  Book two is set at the beginning. Book four is in the middle. Book six is at the beginning of the rebuilding.

I have only ready up to book six so far and I have loved every second of it. I can not wait until I can get my hands on the last four books in the series.

Realism 9/10

Plot 9/10

Survival Information 7/10

Readability 8/10

Repeatability 7/10

Would I share with friends and family? ( Yes)

Final Score 8/10

299 Days did not pull any punches and had a great overall plot with survival information mixed in. These factors pretty much forced me to give this great series a high score.

External Links: Video Interview

Episode-957- Glen Tate – Author of the New Book Series “299 Days”

“This is madness!” “No, this is prepardness!!!!”

So, you have seen the T.V show Doomsday Preppers and others of it’s kind.

You probably think that we are all crazy drunks living in a bunker, constantly thinking about our ten year stockpile and thinking about the Golden Horde going down my street. WRONG!  WRONG! You heard me right, it’s wrong!

I for one, have never seen a bunker, have never seen a massive stockpile( even though it would be cool) and I have never thought about a Gorden Horde( except in my classes). Sure, it is cool to think about E.M.Ps, zombies, 2012 zombies and other Doomsday stuff. I am not saying a E.M.P can not happen, but it’s not my main reason for preparing.

I look at history for my main reasons. Did a solar flare ever hit the world, causing massive damage to our electronics? Yes, in 1859. Have we had a economic collapses in recent history? Yes, in Germany. I am not saying it is likely to happen or that it’s not going to happen. They have happened before and could possibly could happen again. Again, I am not saying they are going to happen, it’s a possibility.

So, what do most Preppers do? We have food, water and other supplies to handle any emergency, big or small. Honestly, most of us have some weapons, but not the massive amount on this show. There is some exceptions, as there is for everything, but I feel most Preppers are nor fairly shown in shows like these.

If there is something you want me to cover, leave a comment and I could think about writing about it.

Video found on YouTube, National Geographic’s channel.

The Emergency Bandage (aka The Israeli Bandage)

The Emergency Bandage offers first responders, fire fighters, EMS, police, Military, and other field personnel the highest level of wound site compression with a multi-functional dressing for uncontrollable bleeding.